Pony Express Ministry
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” - Hebrews 12:1
Stories Behind The Songs
God Made It All
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Genesis 6:14-16; Psalm 24:1; Proverbs 21:1; John 1:3; Romans 1:20; 1 Cor. 8:6; Hebrews 11:3
This song came pouring out one day after reading a magazine article. The article mentioned about a 747 full of food, clothing & medical supplies being flown into a third world country to help the people there. It went on to say how God caused the idea for airplanes to come about, not for people to go joy riding and having fun, but to bring glory to God. I thought about this and my eyes were opened to the fact that God has caused all things to exist to glorify Him - whether it's a tree, a guitar, a radio, a car or simply the air we breathe. Man, the created image of God, cultivates an idea placed in his heart by the Almighty, then tries to take the credit by saying "look what I have come up with". God is the creator of all good things. All things were created by Him and for Him.
Solid Ground
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 25:15; Matthew 14:24-33; Luke 6:46-49;
1 Timothy 4:10
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is of Peter walking on the water, so I decided to write a song about it. The Lord firmly calls us to step out in Faith, no matter what the circumstances look like. When the wind kicks up and things look bleak and scary around us, we are to constantly look at Him —not the storm around us. However, when we don’t and we sink, if we only look to Him again and reach out to Him, He is there to restore us…giving no condemnation, only unconditional love. Pretty cool.
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 2:1, 7:13-14, 18:11, 25-46; John 19:16-18; 1 Cor. 9:24; Philippians 3:14; 2 Timothy 4:7-8
Turn on the TV these days and the most popular shows you will see are what they call 'reality' TV. It's about 'real' reactions to impossible situations. Situations and circumstances that are so far from the truth that less than 1% of the population will ever experience it, and if they do, it will be on one of those silly shows. On the other hand, God saw an impossible situation - man, his sin, and his need for God - and sent Jesus for all of us. Now the reality of that is we all have opportunity to receive the salvation, grace & blessing that God has made available to us through Jesus Christ.
Grace Under Fire
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Nehemiah 8:10; Isaiah 61; Mark 11:25-26; Luke 17:1; John 16:33;
Romans 12:17-21; Ephesians 4:26-27; 31-32; Philippians 4:4-7;
Hebrews 6:19; 1 Peter 4:7-8, 5:5-11
The title of this song came about as a result of a description given to me when I worked at a propane company. One of the head honchos called me “Grace under fire!” (I had to handle a lot at that propane outfit!) The song, however, came from the revelations I received as the Lord showed me how to live and stay free from the deadly trap of offense.
All Fired Up
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 24:10-12; Luke 17:1; I Cor. 1:10, 3:3; II Cor. 13:11, 5-20; Galatians 5:13-26; Ephesians 4:22-27; James 3:5-10, 4:1-6
God sent His message of love and reconciliation in His son Jesus Christ. Jesus sent us to tell the world the same message. The biggest hindrance to this message is that we, the messengers, often are offended and at odds with each other. The message we try to take to the world, we can't seem to embrace amongst ourselves. Take a drive through a small town in east Texas and chances are you'll find church after church after church, from one street corner to the next. Most of these were founded on offenses. People were offended with one another, usually over something silly, and left to start another assembly. Most people don't even know why they're mad, and still we wonder why the world sometimes won't receive the message "be reconciled to God".
You Must Hate Yourself
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 7:16, 25:35-40; John 13:14-35; James 3:13-18; 1 John 3:18; Revelation 3:14-19
This song sort of picks up where "All Fired Up" left off. The people outside the church have often been "turned off" to receiving Jesus because the people inside the church can't love one another. Or, we have a country club mentality of "church". We go behind the four walls once a week and love one another, but walk out the door out into the world and forget all about what we just talked about and heard. The best sermon ever preached is the one that is lived. The moral of the story: preach the Word, preach the Word - and when necessary open your mouth. Actions speak louder than words.
Good Enough
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
1 Kings 19:12; Isaiah 43:18-19; Jeremiah 29:11-13; John 3:16-17;
Philippians 3:13-14; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; 1 Peter 1:3-4
Well, it’s amazing how one little offense can spark a whole forest fire of emotions. An event, Praise God, that opened the door for the Lord to heal me in the low self-esteem department. That root ran deep…way back to childhood…that needed to be dug up. Word of advice: You can never be totally effective at anything, if you keep comparing yourself to others. Just as our physical thumb print is different from any other person in history, likewise, so each of our individual destinies are. Each of us are special to God, created for a wonderful, special purpose.
It's The Devil
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Job 2:7; Luke 16:13; John 10:10; Acts 3:25, 10:38; Galatians 3:13-14; Ephesians 6:10-16; Colossians 1:24; James 4:7, 5:13; 1 Peter 4:12-16, 5:8
God has gotten a bad rap for many years. This song was written after family members had gone through tragedy after tragedy, one bad thing after another. When circumstances pile up on you, it's easy to resort to thinking that God doesn't like you, or God is putting something on you to teach you a lesson. While the Bible teaches that every good and perfect thing comes from above, God is trying to teach you something. He's trying to teach you that He is not the author of what's happening to you. Deuteronomy 30 says that God has set before us life and death, the Blessing and the Curse. Choose life that you may live. The curse is for the devil and his angels who have rebelled against God. The devil's desire is to get you off God's path of blessing and on the devil's path of the curse. When this happens in your life, know that the Bible says that God has plans for you for good, for a future and a hope. Submit yourself to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you.
What In Hell Are You Gonna Do
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Psalm 78:21-22; Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 16:16; Luke 16:19-31, 23:33-43; John 8:24
I was watching TV one day and a news update came on about a dad in a high court of law suing because he didn't want his daughter praying in school. I began to think about all the folks who absolutely hate God and will not receive the redemption He provides. I thought about the rich man and Lazarus and how the rich man, when he died and went to hell, wanted to go back and warn his family, but it was too late. The pain and agony he was in without the presence of God was more than he could handle. I began to wonder what are all these people who reject God gonna do when they reach their fate one day. Sadly, it will be too late.
Reach For Me
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Psalm 23; Psalm 46:10; Proverbs 18:21; Isaiah 43:1-2;
Matthew 6:25-34, 10:29-31; John 1:1-5, 10:10; 1 Corinthians 2:5;
2 Corinthians 5:7; 2 Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 2:11-18
When my Dad was hospitalized with a life threatening disease in 2006, it was a trying time to say the least. I never missed a day in being with him and had to lean on the Lord hard to make it through, as I helped my Dad make it through. I wrote this song after one of those days in the hospital. This is the Lord’s words to us. We need only to reach for Him because He’s already there.
John 3:16
Lyrics by: Doug Deforest BMI
Music by: Doug Deforest BMI
I received an email one day from a friend. He told a story of how a song he had heard from a local Houston, TX musical talent prompted him to help a stranded motorist on a Houston freeway one late Saturday night. He attached an MP3 of the song titled "John 3:16". I listened to the song and instantly had to find out who wrote it. This song was very anointed. I eventually tracked down the singer via email and he informed me that a guy named Doug Deforest wrote the song. The funny thing is that Doug & I used to play together in the clubs around Houston, TX. I hadn't had any contact with Doug for about 14 years. I tracked him down and he gave me permission to record the song.
I was able to hook up with Doug last year when he came to Texas. He listened to our version of the song and told me the story on how it was written. A friend of his had booked Doug's band to play for a fund raiser for the friends ministry called John 3:16 ministry. The ministry is a street ministry that reaches out to the homeless by giving them clothes, shelter and food. And just like Jesus, after meeting their physical needs they minister and counsel the people to help them get over their addictions and problems that caused them to become homeless. While driving to the fund raiser that night, Doug had a divine inspiration and had his wife write the lyrics down he was telling her as he drove. That night, the band got on stage and sang the song unrehearsed for the first time.
Her Name Was Mary
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Psalm 34:18; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Matthew 25:34-40; John 3:16-17; Ephesians 5:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:8-11
This song is about my childhood best friend, Mary. The lyrics speak for themselves about her life. It also speaks of a stern warning not to think so highly of ourselves that we miss the opportunity to minister to those who are desperately hurting. At times Mary could be hurtful to me, as she lashed out at everybody and everything in her anger. God’s love and grace kept me reaching out to her and God’s love and grace finally saved her in this life. She went home to be with Him in 1999 in peace. I can’t wait to see her again!
We Are His Hands
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Matthew 5:13-16; 9:1-8; 18-35, 37-38, 10:1,8, 28:18-20; Mark 10:45
This song was also written while my Dad was in the hospital. I did everything that needed to be done for him in the “outside world”, including running his construction business and taking care of my Mom. As I thought about the things I did for my Dad — being his hands, his feet, his eyes, his voice, — I thought about how the Lord expects us, as His children, to be His hands, His feet, His eyes, and His voice to a world that is hurting. People desperately need to know the love of Jesus Christ. “We are His hands, we are His feet, we are His eyes to those who hurt and can not see …”
If Jesus Was A Country Singer
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 13:1-16, 18:21-35, 19:1-12; II Corinthians 4:3-6
I heard Leo Johnston of Cross Country Ministries talk about how country music is a lot like the parables that Jesus told 2000 years ago. Parables are stories with a meaning. Country music is based on true stories that are put to music to convey a meaning or an idea. Leo's opinion was that if Jesus was physically on the earth today, He might be using country music to tell His truths to the masses. I took that idea and came up with this song.
Hymn Medley
Arrangement by: Bruce Repka
Psalm 19:14, 66:1-7; Psalm 91; Psalm 103; Matthew 15:30-31;
Matthew 18:18-20; Luke 4:18-19; Luke 15; John 15:13-17;
Ephesians 2:1-10; Philippians 4:4-7; Hebrews 13:8; 1 Peter 1:18-21; 2:24;
1 John 4:9-11; 5:1-4
The way this Medley came about is pretty cool. I was sitting with my Dad in the hospital one day and he started telling me about this Hymn Medley he’d heard a Gospel group sing. He said that in-between the Hymns, they sang the old tune “Amen.” He thought that it would be cool if we did that too. Soooo, I went to work. I asked the Lord to show me which Hymns to use and which verses of those Hymns. He inspired me to choose the ones that most exemplified Him. When I had all these written down, I gave the lyrics to Bruce and the Lord inspired the arrangement of the melodies. It has been a true blessing to us and all those who hear it.
When You Walk
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 17:20, 21:22; Romans 13:9-10; 1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:6,14; Ephesians 5:1-2; 1 John 4:7-19; Romans 15:13
Love causes a chain reaction in the Spiritual and Physical realms. God is Love. When we walk in His love, all heaven breaks loose!
Don’t Look Back
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Proverbs 3:5-6; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Matthew 7:7-11; Romans 8:28-32;
Philippians 3:13-14; 4:6-7; Colossians 3:1-4
I wrote this song in the Nashville Airport after my parents' house burnt down (along with their business, etc.) in 2003. The tragedy sparked an intense question and answer period with me and the Lord. My family's house and business had already burnt down in 1980. Before this, there was an attempted murder situation involving my Mom and our family. Later on, I went through a divorce when my husband left me for another woman. And, years later, my fiancé was killed in an auto accident.
When my parents’ house burnt down that second time, I'd had enough. My asking "why" to the Lord was exactly what He wanted me to do. So many times we chalk tragedies, etc. up to "Well, that's just the way it is" or “God must hate me” and/or various other "explanations." The Lord was so faithful in sitting me down and explaining what had happened in each situation. I had to forgive others in the poor judgment they exemplified. But I also had to face my own responsibilities in a couple of the events as well. If we are willing and ready to really listen and hear the answers, the Lord is always ready to give us those answers. It's amazing. God's Grace and Love for us goes so beyond the box we put Him in.
Halls of Grace
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Psalm 103:11-12; Matthew 11:28-30; John 3:16-18; John 10:10;
Romans 10:11-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 5:1; Ephesians 2:1-10, 3:11-12; Colossians 2:13-15; Hebrews 4:15-16
The first part of this song (the chorus) was written about 10:00 one night. The Lord popped the words in my head and I couldn’t go to sleep until I wrote them down. I had this vision of me dancing down the Halls towards His Throne in total freedom…burdens lifted, totally forgiven. The Throne Room doors were flung open and I confidently danced on through.
Still In Love
Lyrics by: Dr. John Bueler, Jr.
Music by: Dr. John Bueler, Jr.
Psalm 23, Psalm 103:11-14; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Ephesians 1:4-12; 2 Timothy 2:13; Hebrews 13:5-6,8
The Lord never forgets a dusty dream. Meaning…. dreams and desires of your heart from long ago that have been long forgotten or given up on. As a kid, I always wanted to record a song with my brother, John. He is a talented musician and I love my big brother!
Time and life made me forget that dream until twenty-some-odd-years later. It all came back to me as I heard this song for the first time as my brother played it for us in his basement. I was honored, touched, and overwhelmed as I realized that the Lord had never forgotten that dream and was in the process of fulfilling it by arranging for all of us to be in my brother's basement, knowing that we would make the decision to include this song on the Album: "Don't Look Back."
This song came about as a result of the battle my brother had with Satan. Satan was telling my brother “God has given you a lot of blessings and gifts. But you have blown it one too many times. God has turned His back on you!” My brother felt forsaken.
He started reading God’s Word and praying. The Lord spoke: ”No, I have not forsaken you. I knew you before you were born. There are no surprises to Me. I still love you!”
To those of you who feel you’ve blown it one too many times…reach for the Lord of New Beginnings and be encouraged. Like the Lord told me one time: “If you’re still breathin’, you still have a chance!”
It’s About
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Mark 7:6-8; Philippians 2:1-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Hebrews 12:1-2
I wrote "It's About" when I was at a revival in Lockhart, TX. The Evangelist was awesome and as he spoke the Lord gave me this song.
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
John 10:10; Romans 3:21-26, 8:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2:5,12-16;
2 Corinthians 4:18, Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 2:9-11, 4:19; 1 John 2:27
I wrote this song in 2002 as a result of the revelation I received of who I am in Jesus Christ. For years I was listening to other people and the enemy tell me who I was. I was not listening to who God said I was in His Word, listening to His Voice through the Holy Spirit. I was striving and laboring to try and do everything right so that God would accept me and love me. I did not have a clue about how deep his unconditional Love was for me. When I felt that I fell short of His expectations, I was chained up with guilt and condemnation. I wasn’t living like a Child of the King, with all the rights and privileges that I was promised in God’s Word. I was acting more like a cowering slave in constant fear.
When I started reading and studying the Apostle Paul’s writings, inspired by God in the Word, I got a clear revelation of the life that God intended for me through Jesus — a life of abundance, unconditional love and grace. All I needed to do was grab a hold of it by Faith. My chains were broken … I was set free!
Jesus says, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Once you get a revelation on what it means to be the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and a Child of the Most High God, you will discover realms you never dreamed possible!
A Rebel’s Heart
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Romans 8:15-17; Galatians 3:16-23, 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-9; 2 Timothy 2:4
Three days after I had gotten laid off from my job, "A Rebel's Heart" was penned. It was written in about 20 minutes. The Lord had a clear message and I was all ears! Even though it was an unsure time, I felt the Lord telling me that it was O.K. That door was closed, but an awesome destiny was unfolding for me. However, it meant rising up in Faith to be the person the Lord said I was in Him and to stand on the Word of God. This song is a battle song to ALL believers!
Think On These Things
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
John 15:14-15; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Philippians 4:4-8,13
This was the last song written for the Album, Don’t Look Back. I was having trouble keeping my thoughts in check. The spirit of fear had been a stronghold in my life for many years. I started studying the Word and found out what the Lord had to say about it….hence the birth of this song!
The Cross
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Dr. John Bueler, Jr.
Psalm 23; Psalm 34:15-19; Psalm 46; John 16:33; Ephesians 3:20; Colossians 1:19-22, 2:9-15; Hebrews 13:5,6; 1 Peter 5:7; Revelation 1:17,18.
This song was written about three years after my fiancé was killed in an auto accident. It was one of the worst times in my life, but also a time that I felt the Lord’s presence like no other time in my life before that. God is our Healer, Comforter, and Restorer.
Follow Your Dreams
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Psalm 139; Isaiah 40:31; 43:19; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Matthew 6:33; Philippians 1:6; 3:12-16; Hebrews 13:20-21; James 1:17-18; 4:7-8
One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11-13: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,” says the Lord, “thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
And, hence, inspired the words to this song.
The inspiration for the melody came from the song by Gene Watson: "My Eyes Are On the Prize." I loved the rejuvenating beat and wanted to create a song with the same feeling.
Stand Up America
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Isaiah 5:19-24; 1 Timothy 2:1-31; Peter 3:13-14; Revelation 19:11-19
United We Stand Strong
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Ephesians 4:1-16; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Matthew 18:19; Romans 8:9-11; Luke 11:17
Cow Tippin’
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Deuteronomy 28:1-14; 30:19; Mark 7:13; John 3:16-17; 10:10; Romans 2:4; Hebrews 4:12; 10:19; James 4:7
It's funny how an idea for a song just comes out of nowhere. We were driving through southeast Texas in 2010, and I saw a bunch of cows grazing in a pasture. One thought led to another and I thought about the adventurous (albeit crazy) souls who have taken up the night-time passion of —Cow Tippin': sneaking up on a sleeping cow and simply, enthusiastically pushing it over.
This got me to thinking about "sacred cows": religious beliefs that are not necessarily in the Word of God, but held by the believer as an indisputable truth. These "truths" need to be the recipients of Cow Tippin'.
And ... a song was born.
Blessed Are The Hungry
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 5:1-10; Romans 10:15; Psalm 107:9; John 8:32
A Song Of Deliverance
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Exodus 34:6-7; Psalm 32:7; 34:17-18; Matthew 6:9-15; Mark 16:15-18; John 3:16-17; John 8:43-45; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6;
Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 4:12-13; 1 John 1:5-10
Spiritual warfare is alive and well. Satan and his army (the enemy) can oppress and depress Christians and Non-Christians alike. We've seen it first hand — up close and personal. The enemy enters by deception and stays through ignorance. But He (Jesus) is the Deliverer of all oppression and depression and gives us the power and authority through His Name and Grace over all Satan's schemes and lies.
Don’t Be Afraid
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Joshua 1:92; Timothy 1:71; Peter 5:7; Proverbs 3:25
Walk Through This World/Welcome To My World
Music by: Kay Savage & Sandra Seamons/Ray Winkler and John Hathcock
Lyrics by: Kay Savage & Sandra Seamons/Ray Winkler and John Hathcock
Luke 11:9; Revelation 3:20; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 16:19; Hebrews 13:8; Proverbs 4:18
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Psalm 133; John 17:22-26; Acts 2:40-47; Romans 15:5-7; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 6:17; Ephesians 4:1-6, 11-16; 6:10-18; Colossians 3:12-17; Hebrews 10:19-25
This kickin' tune was inspired by John Denver's "Thank God I'm A Country Boy." I wanted to write a song with a catchy, fun tune like this one. The Lord inspired me to write words that remind us that He is all about unity. This doesn't mean a compromising of beliefs, but a finding of common ground with each other to build relationships to keep the body of Christ in tact. If there needs to be confrontation of any kind, it needs to be done in love with the understanding that the evil of the enemy is what drives folks (Christian and Non) to be "ugly." In short, love the person, but "go after" the evil spirit that binds them (spiritual warfare).
There Is Joy In The Lord
Lyrics by: Cheri Keaggy
Music by: Cheri Keaggy
Psalm 95:1; Joel 3:18
Lord I Lift Your Name/Holy Is The Lord
Lyrics by: Rick Founds and Chris Tomlin
Music by: Rick Founds and Chris Tomlin
Nehemiah 8:10; Isaiah 6:3; 55:12-13; John 12:32; Psalm 47:6; 134:2; Revelation 4:8
A Warrior
Lyrics by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Music by: Shara Bueler-Repka
Psalm 95:1-8; Proverbs 3:1-6; Isaiah 9:62; Timothy 2:1-4; Ephesians 4:1-3; James 4:10
I was sitting around our campfire at a horse camp, high in the mountains of Arizona. It was a perfect place to reflect and listen. I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to His people at this day and time. He said (among other things), I am looking for a willing and listening heart. And then, the words to "A Warrior" flowed from His Heart, through mine —gathering together my own personal testimonies — and on to my computer. It was an electrifying and humbling moment.
Spirit Of The Living God
Lyrics by: Daniel Iverson
Music by: Daniel Iverson
Exodus 31:3; John 4:23-24; Acts 2:17-21; Romans 5:5; 8:12-17; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3
Broken Chains (Song #7)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Acts 15:10; Matthew 11:30; Galatians 1:12; 5:1; Romans 6:6; 8:1,21; 10:11; Hebrews 2:14; 10:22; 1 Corinthians 15:55-56; John 8:32
Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (Song #12)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka and Mike Ables
Music by: Bruce Repka
Romans 8:37; 6:18; Psalms 1:3; 18:2; 23:1; Philippians 4:13,19; John 1:12; 10:10; 8:44; Hebrews 2:14; 2 Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Matthew 16:23
Without Love (Song #2)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
1 John 3:17; 4:81; Corinthians 13:2,4; Colossians 1:18, 24; 3:14; Ephesians 1:22-23; John 13:34-35; 3:16; Romans 13:10
I Can’t Make It On My Own (Song #6)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Philippians 4:6-7; Psalms 118:6; 23:3-4; Philippians 4:13; John 15:5; 16:33; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 12:2
God Ain’t Religious (Song #8)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Revelation 1:18; Matthew 10:8; 12:40; 23:15,32-34; 27:53; Luke 24:46; John 8:36; 14:6, 26; Ephesians 1:19-20; 2:8-9; Galatians 2:14-16; 4:9-12; 5:1,18; Acts 2:1-4; 22:8-10; Romans 8:2,11; 1 Timothy 1:9-10; 2 Timothy 3:5; Colossians 2:16; 20-23; 1 John 2:27
Power in Jesus‘ Name (Song #4)
Lyrics by: Bruce Repka
Music by: Bruce Repka
Matthew 17:20; Acts 3:16; Ephesians 1:21-23; Philippians 2:9-10; Mark 11:23; Luke 11:11; Romans 4:17; Colossians 3:17
A Father’s Love (Song #10)
Lyrics by: Melissa McCrery
Music by: Melissa McCrery
John 3:16-17
Story behind the song by Melissa: the last year the International Cowboy Ministers Conference (ICMC) was in Las Vegas, I was on the plane back home, completely exhausted and falling asleep. As I was dozing off I began singing a song and I kept seeing the various prostitutes, addicts, etc. that are all over LV. Suddenly I realized the song was not something I knew, that it was something that I was singing in the spirit. I woke myself up and began writing down the lyrics I had been singing. Before that song, when I would go anywhere and see a street person, prostitute, addict, etc., I only saw their condition. But this song tells their story, so now when I look at them, I see their covenant. [The Father God loves them too and longs for them to be His Children.]

